The Movie Lot

The Movie Lot is a high-end camera rental company based in Antwerp, Belgium. While I was an intern at Lonely Alien, I created this WordPress “Webshop” with as core WooCommerce. However the site required to be a Per Quote Request system, rather than the regular functionality of a webshop. This required me to modify quite a lot of the core functionality from WooCommerce to make this work properly.

The original design made by Lonely Alien, was pretty solid so I had a good reference to base myself upon. However I still went through +40 different themes to find the perfect fit! In the end I landed with Astra that had the best resemblance and WooCommerce functionality I needed to build this website. Still lots of the WooCommerce core files had to be changed, so a Child Theme was created to alter these WooCommerce files without overwriting them and to create this on demand Quote Request like webshop. This child theme with all the modifications can be found on my Github Account.

I also opted into using Elementor to build up the pages so that the owners of The Movie Lot could easily modify their pages if they wanted to. With the ease of Elementor the workflow was a lot easier than first expected and also made modifying the homepage with WooCommerce products a lot easier.

For The Movie Lot themselves this was a huge improvement to their old WIX website, and now they can easily accept Quote Requests for their amazing camera equipment.
So if you’re in Belgium and you need some high-end camera equipment, then make sure to check out: The Movie Lot!

The Movie Lot Website